
Our recycling initiatives aim to reduce textile waste and promote a greener community.

About HHM

HHM Services LLC is committed to creating a healthier society through our reduce, reuse, recycle initiative. On average, Americans throw away 82 pounds of clothing each year. Our recycling programs help divert over 2.9 billion pounds of textile waste from landfills annually. The Environmental Protection Agency (USA) estimates that textiles account for 5-10% of landfill content. Reusing and recycling clothing not only saves natural resources but also reduces pollution and fosters a greener community.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

RECYCLE products to transform for further use, such as transforming garments, towels and institutional linens into wiping cloths for industrial use.

REDUCE consumer waste through the distribution of reclaimed materials (textiles, metals, plastics, etc. recovered in pure or usable form) vs. newly manufactured materials.

REUSE products through domestic retail or wholesale outlets or by exporting to developing countries, particularly clothing, shoes, accessories, and books.

RECYCLE products to transform for further use, such as transforming garments, towels and institutional linens into wiping cloths for industrial use.